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Clerici Biochimica

Clerici Biochimica Srl is a private Italian company founded in 1995 by Dr. Roberto Corbella, with the experience of over 30 years in management positions with Novo Nordisk (now Novozymes) and with Genencor (now DuPont).

It was created to provide the Italian and European market with technical-commercial assistance for:

Advice to textile and tanning companies, with the best advice on enzymes, for maximum productivity

enzimi per aziende tessili e conciarie

Since 2020, the collaboration with BIOKATAL of Barcelona has been consolidated for the sale of enzymes, especially in the textile and tanning sector.

Industrial enzymes

Advice to farms, thanks to enzymes for biogas production

enzimi per aziende agricole biogas

Since 2019 we have been consultants of DSM for the use of enzymes in the production of biogas in Italy.